About Power Flushing

What is Power Flushing?
Power Flushing is the term used for the cleaning of a central heating system using water and a cleaning agent, which is pumped through the system at high velocity, to remove the corrosive sludge that builds up inside radiators and pipes.

I have a sealed system - how does the sludge get in?
The central heating boiler heats the water which is carried through the system to the radiators which in turn heat up the rooms.

Unfortunately deterioration begins as soon as a new heating system is installed and filled with water. The combined effects of  air, lime scale, a mixture of metals, and debris in the water, can cause internal corrosion of the system this creates a sludge which forms in the lower flow areas and clogs up the boiler and heat exchangers.

Sludge build up in a header tank

Why is this a problem?
This dirty sludgy water does not heat to as high a temperature as clean water. Also if the radiators are coated inside with lime scale the hot water cannot get to all the parts to heat it up sufficiently. resulting in the patchy cold areas. The boiler then has to work much harder to bring the temperature up to the required level.


Power Flushing UnitHow does it work?
A power flushing unit is connected to the central heating system and a special chemical solution is pumped through all the pipes and radiators at high pressure to loosen all the dirt and debris that has built up inside.

Powerful magnetic rods inside the unit agitate the chemicals, attracting the metal debris and sludge.


This special solution carries all the dirt and sludge with it as it is pumped through the system.

When the water runs clear, a chemical inhibitor is pumped through the pipes which protects the system and helps to prevent the sludge from building up again.

How often will I have to Powerflush my system to keep it clear?

If you have your boiler serviced regularly then your central heating system should not need to be Powerflushed again for about 10 years, and after Powerflushing you should see a marked improvement in the efficiency of your central heating and you should find that you will not need to have the heating system turned up so high thereby saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint.